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Rule of Life

All religious orders require their members to follow different "rules of life." These rules can vary from a strict daily schedule and specific do's and don'ts to more general ethics. Members of the Order of Naucratius commit to three simple rules: Prayer, Conservation, and Charity. Read more about the rules below...


Members of The Order of Naucratius recognize the holy and bittersweet mystery of our life. Whether vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, etc., the fact is that something else must die so that we might flourish. Some part of God’s creation, which he loves, is killed in order that we may live. Those of us who choose to eat meat and fish also choose to do so mindfully. So, we will pray before hunting, before fishing, and after harvest. We will pray before meals, and we will pray as we butcher and process our food. In doing so, we honor the dignity of creation, and rightly align ourselves as parts of God’s created order.


Naucratius lived alone and he did what he thought was God’s call for his life. He found a quiet place next to the river and there, fostered a healthy ecosystem and natural habitat. Members of The Order commit to making individual efforts in environmental conservation/stewardship. Because issues of stewardship and conservation can encompass many different approaches, our intent is not to organize for activism, rather we encourage the individual to engage in these issues as he or she best sees fit. 


At the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus said to his disciples, "You feed them." We take that mandate seriously, and so did St. Naucratius.  Though he lived in isolation, Naucratius endeavored to be a champion for the hungry. Members of The Order of Naucratius commit to giving a significant portion of their harvests to those who are hungry. We accomplish this task through various agencies and initiatives, or through personal contact.

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